
Welcome to the City of Walhalla’s Comprehensive Plan webpage! This webpage will be used to keep you informed throughout the process on upcoming meetings, useful information, and ways you can get involved and voice your opinions on how to plan for Walhalla’s future! Visit this page to share your input and stay up-to-date on the latest information and public engagement activities related to the City’s Comprehensive Plan Update.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan is both a community vision for the future and a blueprint for how to get there. The Comprehensive Plan will communicate the community’s goals and objectives, creating a framework for future strategies. This living document will provide decision-making guidance for establishing programs, policies and ordinances to achieve the community’s vision and goals.

There are ten required “elements”, per SC State Code, that every Comprehensive Plan must address – population, economic development, natural resources, cultural/historic resources, community facilities & services, housing, land use, transportation, resiliency and priority investments.

Who Is Involved?

The planning process will be guided by the Community Development office.

The different sections of the plan will be facilitated by Focus Groups, made up of Council members, Planning Commissioners, Partners and Walhalla Residents. The following Focus Groups are anticipated, but subject to change:

Population, Economic Development and Land Use
Natural Resources and Resiliency
Community Facilities and Services
Housing and Transportation
Cultural/Historical Resources
Recreation, Health & Active Living

The planning process will include an extensive public engagement component to gather input about the future of Walhalla from residents, business owners, property owners and other stakeholders in the community. This includes surveys, pop-up engagements stands, vision boards, listening sessions, workshops, etc.

Community Engagement Opportunities – View Schedule Here

Who Writes the Plan?

The entire community participates in developing the community vision and setting future goals for the City. The Community Development staff will be responsible for writing the plan, with guidance from the Planning Commission. Attention will be paid to incorporating the public’s comments from a variety of public engagements. The public will have multiple opportunities to comment and review the vision and plan before it goes to City Council for adoption.

Ways to Engage

Attend one of our open houses and focus group meetings. (Schedule below)
Take our online survey – available in English and Spanish (Paper copies available at City Hall and the Library)

Schedule for Community Open Houses and Focus Groups


Focus Groups: On September 13th, the Community Facilities and Services Focus Group will meet at the Depot (211 South College Street) from 1-3 PM.

Public Engagement Opportunities: 
Our next open house will be Monday, September 25th from 1 PM to 5 PM at the Depot (211 South College Street).
View our Community Engagement Schedule here.

Sign up for emails regarding Community Development and the Comprehensive Plan Process

Tentative schedule for the Comprehensive Plan Process

The current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2015 and can be viewed here.

Contact Us

Thank you for contacting the City of Walhalla. Someone will respond within 5 business days.

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