Utility Service Forms and Information

Forms and applications are available to be filled out and brought to 206 N Church Street with supporting documentation. Please contact the Water Department with any questions (864) 638-4343, extension 2.


Residential Customers
Applicants must sign a service application along with a valid picture ID and pay a deposit. If renting, tenants must also provide a lease/rental agreement or a new tenant form signed by the landlord.

Business Customers
Applicants must sign a service application along with a valid picture ID and pay a deposit. If renting, tenants must also provide a lease/rental agreement or a new tenant form signed by the landlord. Businesses must obtain an approved zoning permit and pass a fire inspection with the Fire Marshal prior to obtaining water sewer. There are also forms required by the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority (OJRSA) that must be filled out and approved (with possible additional fees) before services can be started.

Download the Water Service Contract

Please bring completed contract and supporting documentation to the Water Department (206 N Church Street, Walhalla) to start service.


Customer must complete the Discontinuance Form and bring to the Water Department (206 N Church St, Walhalla) with a copy your state issued ID. Accounts will not be closed without a photo ID of the account holder.

Download the Discontinuance of Service Request


Applicants must complete the Utility Tap application and submit at the Water Department (206 N Church St, Walhalla).
For new sewer service, the Sewer Accessibility form will also be required. Sewer Accessibility forms should be submitted to the Water Department. Applicants must contact OJRSA for any further requirements.

Download the Utility Tap Application

Mark the desired location for your new tap with a clearly marked flag or stake. Please let us know how you mark the location.
You will be contacted once your application has been approved.

Please contact the Water Department Customer Service at (864) 638-4343, option 2 for additional information, or with questions.

Contact Us

Thank you for contacting the City of Walhalla. Someone will respond within 5 business days.

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