Economic Development and Community Vibrancy Initiative
The City of Walhalla has created an Economic Development and Community Vibrancy Initiative to provide a variety of incentives to encourage the location and/or expansion of businesses in the town which substantially add to the tax base, create clean, high-paying jobs, and are compatible with the built and natural environment of the town. Programs include the Economic Development Incentive Program, established in 2017, the Community Development Grant, more commonly called the Façade Grant, and the newly established Uniquely Walhalla Grant and Sign Grant.
Please contact for more information and/or to apply for any of these opportunities.
Uniquely Walhalla Grants
The purpose of the grant program is to identify and provide funding support for projects that promote economic development and community vibrancy in the City of Walhalla. The initiative will award up to four matching grants, each up to $15,000, to business owners, developers, commercial property owners or business start-ups who are committed to starting or expanding developments (both commercial and residential) designed to increase local economic development and community vitality.
Uniquely Walhalla Grant Application
Email for more information or visit the Uniquely Walhalla Grant page.
Uniquely Walhalla grants are awarded by the Downtown Development Corporation (DDC).
Sign Grants
The City of Walhalla has launched a new economic development program aimed at helping local business and property owners within the Downtown Business District enhance the economic vitality of the City, by assisting businesses in refreshing their signage and encouraging visually appealing signs throughout the District. Under this program, businesses may be eligible for grant funding to put towards the purchase and installation of a commercial sign. Participating businesses and property owners can receive a grant for half (50%) of the total project cost, not the exceed $800 (total project cost $1,600).
Sign Grant Application
Email for more information.
Uniquely Walhalla grants are awarded by the Downtown Development Corporation (DDC).
Economic Development Incentive Program
The purpose of the Economic Development Incentive Program (EDI) is to allow public support of economic projects to foster, promote and enhance local economic development efforts. Award of EDI is subject to City Council approval and is handled on a case-by-case basis, according to available funding. The development must be located within the City limits of Walhalla or establish a location for business within the City even if it has previously conducted the same or similar operations at locations outside the City. The development must be for one or more of the following: Retail; Tourism; Cultural arts; District offices or corporate headquarters; Research and development; High technology growth business; Residential projects including three or more single-family units, multifamily units or condominiums.
Incentive agreements may include the reimbursement or refund of the following fees and taxes up to the amounts and percentages provided:
1. Up to 100% of the applicable tap fees collected by the City.
2. The following business license tax incentives:
Year 1: A grant in the amount of 100% of the business license tax due to the City will be reimbursed after the business license taxes are paid to the City of Walhalla.
Year 2: A grant in the amount of 75% of the proposed business license tax rate based on gross income after the taxes are paid to the City will be reimbursed to the applicant.
Year 3: A grant in the amount of 50% of the business license tax rate based on gross income after the taxes are paid to the City will be reimbursed to the applicant.
Year 4: A grant in the amount of 25% of the business license tax rate based on gross income after taxes are paid to the City will be reimbursed to the applicant.
After Year 4, business license taxes will be the responsibility of the property owner/business owner and will be the proposed rate based on gross income.
3. Up to 50% of the local hospitality taxes collected by the City for as many as five years, but funds received through such incentive are to be spent only for purposes that are related to tourism, and which have been approved by Council and included in the incentive agreement.
4. Up to 50% of local accommodations taxes collected by the City for as many as five years, but funds received through such incentive are to be spent only for purposes related to tourism, and which have been approved by Council and included in the incentive agreement.
5. Up to 100% of solid waste fees for as many as five years.
6. Up to 100% of infrastructure costs for commercial development projects for as many as five years.
7. Up to 100% of infrastructure costs for residential development projects for as many as five years.
The City may provide to an incentive recipient any combination of incentives provided for herein; provided, however, that the total amount of incentives given to a development must be in keeping with the goals and the value of the benefits accruing to the City (and its citizens) and must be greater than the financial value of the incentives to an incentive recipient.
Incentives must be approved by City Council through two (2) ordinance readings and an advertised public hearing.
Contact for more information and/or to request one of incentives.
Community Development Grant, Façade Grant
The purpose of the Community Development Grant Program or Façade Grant is to encourage economic growth and help create a more inviting character for the downtown area. This is a reimbursement grant of up to 50% of the total project with a maximum grant amount of $3,000 per property per twelve-month period. Project must begin within 45 days of grant approval and be completed within 6 months of start date. At this time, eligibility is limited to any building or structure located within the Downtown Business District defined by the overlay. Examples of eligible improvements include: Removing of false façade; Cleaning of brickwork, which includes chemical striping, water wash, or scrapping; Exterior painting or surface treatment; Repair/replacement of windows and doors; Installation or repair of awnings; Historical reconstructions and replacement of original architectural details; Storefront enhancements; Exterior wall lighting; Decorative post lighting and architectural features.
Apply online for this grant.
Email for more information or visit the Façade Grant page.
Façade grants are awarded by the Downtown Development Corporation (DDC).