CITY OF WALHALLA Utility Tap Application

"*" indicates required fields

911 Address of the PROPERTY to be served*
Check type of water and/or sewer service requested:*
(Requires Green Sheet from OJRSA)
Name of Applicant*
Mailing Address of the Applicant*
Owner of property where meter or sewer tap is to be placed*
If applicant does not own property, notarized easements must be obtained in the City’s name PRIOR to making payment for tap. Meters cannot be placed on road right of way. Easements for the line from meter to house are the owner’s responsibility, the City is not responsible for private service lines. The tap location MUST be flagged for inspection by the City. If we move tap location, you will be notified. Flags are to be placed approximately 33’ from the center of the road, at least 10’ from the property corners, and away from shrubs, trees, walls, drains, poles, guy wires, fences, or utility boxes. If there are obstructions on the site, THE OWNER is responsible for removal/relocation of obstructions. The City is not responsible for any damages to the obstructions during installation of tap. The disturbed area will be raked and fescue and/or rye grass seed and straw applied for ground cover. NO SPECIALTY GRASSES WILL BE USED. No payment is due until the application is approved by the City. ALL irrigation taps require a backflow device, which must be installed and tested annually by the owner.
Contact Us

Thank you for contacting the City of Walhalla. Someone will respond within 5 business days.

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