The City of Walhalla is currently accepting applications for one seat on the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission is responsible for the preparation, revision and implementation of plans and programs for the physical, social, and economic growth; and the development and redevelopment of the City of Walhalla, including the:
Comprehensive plan;
Zoning ordinances, rezonings and zoning district maps;
Regulations for the subdivision of, or development of land;
A landscaping ordinance regulating the required planting, tree preservation, and other aesthetic considerations for land and structures;
A capital improvements program, including an annual listing of priority projects for consideration by the City Council, and;
Any policies or procedures to facilitate the implementation of planning elements.
Educational Requirements
Per SC State Code 6-29-1340, all Planning Commissioners must attend a minimum of six hours of orientation training within one year of his/her appointment. Afterwards, Planning Commissioners must attend a minimum of three hours of continuing education every year. Opportunities for this training will be coordinated with the Community Development office.
If would like like to serve, please complete and submit the application online. If you have any questions, please contact Community Development by email or phone (864-638-4343).