The City of Walhalla’s Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 10, 2023 to hear the following items:
A request to rezone two parcels (TMS 500-16-01-005 and 500-06-01-007) at the corner of Frank Martin Drive and North Poplar Street from R-25 (Single-Family Residential) to MFR (Multi-Family Residential).
A request to rezone eight parcels of land along Booker Drive from GR (General Residential) to OC (Office Commercial). The parcels are:
207 Booker Drive, TMS 500-19-05-001;
203 Booker Drive, TMS 500-19-05-002;
200 South Tugaloo Street, TMS 500-19-05-003;
201 South Tugaloo Street, TMS 500-19-06-001;
205 South Tugaloo Street, TMS 500-19-06-014;
105 Booker Drive #B, TMS 500-19-06-003;
105 Booker Drive, TMS 500-19-06-004;
103 Booker Drive, TMS 500-19-06-005.
The meeting will be held at 5:30 PM, in the City Council Chambers, located at 206 N Church Street, Walhalla. Please contact the Community Development Department at 864-638-4343 for more information.