Walhalla — The City of Walhalla signed a purchase agreement for the long-anticipated community center this afternoon.
City officials have been considering multiple properties over recent months. In December 2023, City Council authorized City Administrator Celia Myers to enter into a purchase agreement for property located on Blue Ridge Boulevard. The location offers approximately nine (9) acres, providing acreage for the new community center, as well as, space for additional fields, in the future and parking. “We are excited about the increased possibilities we have with this location” stated City Administrator Myers. The City now enters into a period for due diligence before officially closing on the property.
The growing demand for City recreation programs and need for a community space led City officials to propose the new community center. Though plans have not been finalized, the new community center is expected to house multiple gyms, conference space, PRT offices, walking track and banquet hall. This location will also provide increased parking and fields.
After the signing, Mayor Tim Hall stated “I am very pleased to see this project becoming a reality. It will benefit our entire community.”
The City of Walhalla received appropriation funding through the SC Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism (SCPRT), in the amount of $5,566,895, with support from Representative Bill Whitmire and Senator Thomas Alexander.